Nestled into the Eastern highlands this 1000 acre property is bordered by two rivers. To the West is the Little Swanport River and the Pine Rivulet forms the Eastern boundary. The lightly bushed dolerite property is good healthy sheep country. It is suitable for wool or store fat lamb production. The intermittent bush lends itself to deer and wallaby shooting.The light bush provides cover and opens up to many small sweet pastured areas. Approximately 80 hectares is arable and could be cropped for fattening. The bush is dotted with She-oaks and Oyster Bay Pines, and 40 hectares is fenced off for protection under the Midlands Biodiversity Hotspots program (limited grazing is still allowed). Two 500 megalitre dam sites have been approved and construction would allow diversification into horticulture if desired. The three bedroom cream brick house blends into the bush and is complimented by a garage/work-shop and two stand shearing shed nearby. The large kitchen/living room area is at the sunny end of the house and has views out over the cliffs of the Little Swanport River. Orford 45mins -Oatlands35mins.