This property fronts the Poatina Road a few minutes from Arthurs Lake. It is perfectly positioned in the heart of the Tasmanian Highlands to take advantage of all that this wonderful area has to offer. Great Lake, Arthurs Lake, Woods Lake, Lake Augusta, and Penstock and Little Pine Lagoons are a short distance away, and from the peaks of this property you can see across Wylies Marsh to St. Patricks Plains and beyond.
The property varies in land types. On the western side there is about 40 acres of flat arable land with Ripple Creek running through it and a dam that could be stocked with trout and furnished with a duck hide. The country then gradually rises through highland forest of White Gum, Stringy Bark and Dog Wood to nearly 1,000 meters above sea level, with this forested escarpment being perfect shelter for fallow deer and other game.
On 2 titles, this property would be a great investment for a family to purchase or ideal for someone to buy in partnership with a friend. It is well positioned, well fenced, has access to water, is an ideal size and has a great balance of land types to satisfy any number of potential purchasers needs.