Enjoying a wide frontage to council reserve with views over the Derwent estuary, the Iron pot and Bruny Island, this prime 5 acre property is just a short walk to Blackmans Bay beach, schools and shops. The house is privately set away from the road with a screen of trees and enjoys excellent sun with large windows on the north and eastern sides. The cosy 2 bedroom brick veneer home also has a chalet separated by a large covered entertainment area. The facilities include a near new kitchen, light and bright living room, two bedrooms, upgraded bathroom plus a second WC. There is also a 4 car open shed, plus space for adjoining workshop. A haven for both types of bandicoot, potoroos and pademelons, this land is also the nesting site for many native birds. A most desirable property, offered reluctantly for sale due to a need to down-size