The Meadows” is a high profile, quality property held by the same family for the last 45 years. It has an excellent balance of land types, with the majority being deep rich river flats with some rolling hillside country with great aspect that hangs on later into the season.
The raised board shearing shed and sheep yards are of the highest standard, the cattle yards are an excellent addition, all fencing over the years has been done by cementing in railway iron strainers and the 1920′s homestead is in immaculate order.
“The Meadows” has always been conservatively stocked and yet consistently turned off in excess of 700 high quality second cross lambs every year even through the driest of times. Pastures are predominately ryegrass and clover, with the 9 hectares of river flat planted to lucerne used for grazing and fodder conservation. Wallaby Rivulet runs the entire length of the property.
The sale of “The Meadows” presents an opportunity to buy the premier property in the area, in a high profile position on 3 titles with a sound production history, excellent improvements and the flexibility to use the deep fertile soils for cash cropping if required.