Boomer takes in the majority of Boomer Tier on the sound volcanic soils above Hamilton in the Derwent Valley about an hours drive from Hobart. The property has approximately 5 kilometres of frontage to the Clyde River where it is 100 metres above sea level and climbs in altitude until it reaches the spectacular views at the top of Mount Clark at 400 meters.
Boomer was once part of the historic Montfort property and is some of the soundest sheep country available in the state. It has been run with great care and diligence and despite the recent conditions is in fantastic heart. Since ’02 the property has had an average annual fertilizer application of 70 tonnes and has also had some lime applied. Although the majority of the property is beautiful native grass and silver tussock country, an area approaching half of it could be tilled for cereal and fodder crops.
With the exception of 08, the property has continually run in excess of 9,000 DSE. A normal year would see 5,000+ ewes joined with a high lambing percentage as well as carrying 1,500 replacement ewes and some cattle. It would produce up to140 bales of clean, bright 18.5 to 19.5 micron wool.
Fencing on the property is in excellent order and very well laid out, with plenty of native shelter belts and gullies for stock to shelter. It is set up so that stock can be bought to and from the handling facilities with ease and it is in part due to this that the property is run mostly with just one labour unit.
Water on the property is permanent and reliable. It is supplied either direct into concrete tanks from the Clyde River or a bore, and troughs are to all areas.
Boomer has been run as a satellite block to an existing property but due to its’ scale of operation could also be run as a stand alone unit. The only improvements are 2 excellent sets of stock yards, a big shearing shed with 4 stands and an adjoined crib room, and a 2 room shepperd’s hut. House sites are numerous and with the views over the Derwent Valley and the south west the only problem will be choosing one.
An excellent stand alone unit, or add on to give scale to an existing enterprise.