andmiddot; 9 TITLES
andmiddot; HIGH RAINFALL-750-800ml
andmiddot; RAINFOREST

This spectacular 248 Ha farm is only 8km from the beautiful seaside village of Cygnet and thus is ideal for development.. It rises from lush pasture close to sea-level through to a rocky hilltop 570 metres high with tall eucalypts and magnificent views back over the farm towards Cygnet and the Hartz Mountains.

“Sculthorpe”has 100 Ha of well subdivided paddocks and the remainder is rainforest, with Eucalyptus Regnans, man ferns, dogwood and blackwood trees to name a few of the many species. The property is capable of running 100 cows, is your own flora and fauna park, and has potential for subdivision (subject to council approval) because of its nine titles.The property is well subdivided by these historical titles and there is an access road already surveyed. The three bedroom house was built in 1910 and has views back towards the Hartz Mountains.

“Sculthorpe”is complemented by a large machinery shed, workshop, hay barn and horse yard. A 35 Megalitre dam assessment has been prepared if horticulture is anticipated, something which may be an opportunity now the Murray -Darling Basin may be losing a large percentage of its water allocation.

It also has a Forest Practices Plan ready to go if a purchaser would like to harvest 150HA of forest