Rarely does the opportunity arise to purchase a pure cropping property that is both affordable and has virtually no unusable land.
Over 2 titles and situated on the rich red soils of Tunbridge, this fantastic property has a 200ML irrigation right from the Blackman Scheme and a further 250ML DPIPWE water right (surety 8). There is one towable Valley centre pivot that covers 2 x 38 hectare circles on cams telemetric system. Running the system is a 55kW motor and pump on the Blackman River with 8 inch mains throughout. There is an 80ML on farm storage midway through the property that is used to water the corners of the circles if needed.
A comfortable shed on the property has power connected, is plumbed for water and features a wood heater, sink and a large cool room. Basic sheep yards are also at the shed.
This is a compact, quality holding capable of sustaining an irrigable farming enterprise that would also suit an absentee investor.