“Sunny Cairns” is a country lifestyle property with a ‘soon to be realised’ Eucalypt plantation investment. The total area is 31.72 hectares, of which 20 hectares is laid down in permanent pasture for livestock grazing. The drive to Launceston CBD is an easy 35 minutes and it takes less time to travel to the city’s airport. The previous owner built the brick and Colorbond home in 1999. It is designed with easy flowing spacious living rooms, which divide the distinct bedroom accommodation areas. The property is well supplied with water, stored in six 5,000 gallon tanks (2 cement and 4 polypropylene). A seasonal creek supplies dam water which is pumped to tanks and gravity fed to cement troughs for livestock and garden needs. The average rainfall for this region is between 775-800 (31-32 inches). The home is serviced by satellite for an internet connection and also has solar panels. The homestead is sensibly set back onto the land parcel and so achieving views of the pastured paddocks. There are 3 extra farm buildings, the largest being 17 x 10 metres with facilities for extra accommodation. The other 2 structures are open fronted sheds suitable for livestock shelter, stables or hay storage. Cattle yards have been constructed adjacent to a Colorbond hay shed. All pastures were laid down with ryegrass and clover seed mix. The country is suitable for grazing beef cattle or ewes for wool or prime lamb production. All fencing can be described as being exceptionally high quality “cyclone”, netting and ring-lock wire. There are 8 paddocks and 12 cement livestock water troughs. “Sunny Cairns” is an easily managed, secure rainfall, well grassed lifestyle investment.