A picturesque landscape is created by hawthorn hedgerows with eastern views to Ben Lomond National Park. Situated 1km north of the historic village of Evandale and 3km from Launceston airport.

The past cropping regime has once included growing asparagus, poppies, potatoes, onions, peas and beans. Cereals included barley, oats and wheat. Prime lamb production and vealer beef have been livestock enterprises.

An irrigation water right exists from the South Esk River. Six underground mains produce water for traveller irrigation units.

The brick home on ‘Riverview’ was built for the owner in 1994. There are four bedrooms, two living rooms, a kitchen/dining area, two bathrooms and a large games or rumpus room with separate toilet facilities. The generous proportions and design of this country home will be attractive to a family growing up in this popular district. The house also contains a spacious double garage and workspace.

An established garden and orchard of nut and fruit trees surround the house. A small wine grape vineyard has also been established.

The total area of ‘Riverview’ is 95 hectares or 235 acres and comprises 7 separate land titles.