There aren’t many like this! Showing excellent net return for investment, the first to inspect will appreciate what is on offer. Operating a daily route starting and finishing in Launceston, the owners have decided the time is right to focus on other businesses that they are looking to expand. Ideal for an owner-operator or couple, you’ll be your own boss in control of your own destiny. Successfully established for 15+ years and with only 2 owners, this business has a loyal, strong client base and a reputation for great, reliable service. The vehicle is well maintained and regularly serviced since being purchased new and is currently under a hire-purchase agreement which would be transferred to the new owner upon sale along with the mobile phone and business number. Operating 5 days a week the potential for further expansion by way of operating in new locations, running weekends and fleet expansion is huge! Recently a new 2 year advertisement has been placed and the website, domain name and Facebook page are all included in the sale. The current owner is also prepared to offer a generous training and assistance period to the new owner. Servicing multi-national corporations to local businesses and private residents, a strong part of the business is the delivery resulting from the huge growth in on-line internet shopping. This is an area of phenomenal growth and is forecast to do so at a rapid rate into the future as consumers increasingly change the way they shop on sites such as eBay, Gumtree and even Facebook.

Genuine enquiries only.
An Information Prospectus is available upon signing the Confidentiality Agreement.

Please contact Deb Billing on 0418 558 725 or Robert Anderson on 0407 569 300 for further enquiries.