‘Prossers Forest’ protects a large area of highly diverse eucalypt forest at Nunamara near Launceston. The property offers a range of home sites within tranquil forest surrounds. It is being offered for sale as one property, but planning approval is being sought to divide the property into a number of smaller lots of about 40ha in size, each with its own house site.
Infrastructure and services
- Legal access from Prossers Forest Rd.
- Well formed gravel tracks providing access to each house site if subdivided.
- Connection to mains power available
- General store and petrol station located at Nunamara (3km to the south east)
- Launceston only 20km away via the Tasman Highway.
Conservation Values
The property was purchased because it includes extensive areas of Black gum (Eucalyptus ovata) forest, an endangered forest community under the Tasmanian Nature Conservation Act 2002 . The water courses and swamps on the property provide habitat for a population of the Mt Arthur Burrowing crayfish, a species listed as vulnerable under Commonwealth and Tasmanian legislation. The flora on the property has not been surveyed but there is potential habitat for a number of threatened plants.
Contact our office for full details.
Disclaimer: Photographs and images used may include views of neighbouring properties or views captured from the subject property.