* Hire Cars and CabinsExcellent cash flow business set on over a hectare of land in a great location close to the airport, town and beaches. Two businesses in one – a thriving cabin park and a hire car operation, both with plenty of room for growth. There are 9 main accommodation units plus a two bedroom managers residence. All improvements are rendered block work with colourbond roofs. Cabins range from basic to fully self contained one bedroom, fully self contained two bedroom and an eight berth bunk room which is also fully self contained. Currently there are 12 hire cars but the owner normally sells off some cars towards winter and replaces them just before the holiday season. There will possibly be 9 hire cars available including an 8 seater Tarago bus. Cabin Park and Hire Cars to be sold on a walk in- walk out basis including a huge inventory of sundries necessary for the smooth running of the business. Price; $595,000 with an adjoining block of 5806 square metres available for $60,000 negotiable