“Nalinga” was developed by the Blundstone family in the 1920′s and has always been in various arms of the Blundstone family to this day. For 70 years “Nalinga” has been recognised as one of the best early prime lamb producing properties in Tasmania. The property has in the past produced many hectares of lucerne pasture but at present the lucerne content is minimal. This lucerne base in the past has greatly helped in its lamb production. The property is now subdivided into 12 paddocks, serviced by reticulated water troughs from a permanent creek via holding tanks. The property is currently producing prime lambs to meet the milk lamb and prime lamb market. Beef cattle are also raised on the property. Centrally located on the Island and only minutes to Whitemark, this is an affordable property that can produce a top product that gives a good return for investment.
Additional features include:
- 3 stand shearing shed
- Machinery shed
- Sheep and cattle yards