* Great location
* Goodwill of clientele and staff included
* Opportunity for futher developmentHAVE A SNACK- Excellent opportunity to purchase this established food business in the best location in Scottsdale. The new owners would purchase the lease on the building which has one year to run with option to renew for 4 x 5 years. Also in the purchase is the goodwill which is a regular loyal client base that appreciates the location, quality of service and of course the large range of tasty food. There is also the loyal, honest staff the Vendor has recruited, who are keen to continue working in Have a Snack as well as a long list of chattels that a takeaway store like this requires (Agent can supply the list), from fridges to pizza ovens. The great thing about owning a business like this is thatyouwould be your own boss; thatyouwould also be meeting new, different and interesting people as well as creating a secure income. This business would give you the opportunity to make a capital gain by increasing the value of the business so that whenyousell it into the future…youcould potentially make a handy profit. How you ask? What about applying for a BYO licence and extending the cafe to a new level? There is the room. What about including computers so that it becomes an internet cafe. What’s wrong with creating a catering and lunch time deliveries business from the commercial kitchen?The Vendors are keen to sell…so come and inspect…andyou..make an offer!