Situated in Waterhouse, this property is one of the first settled in this area. It is well known for consistently producing market topping livestock. This coastal region is renowned for its cattle production but is also well known for sheep and cropping enterprises. The farm is located with reserve bushland between it and the coast providing excellent recreation and possible tourism development options.

Waterhouse Homestead has 2 titles comprising approximately 737 hectares. This well established property has a wonderful balance of heavy black ground and decomposed granite banks. It is well watered with dams and troughs. Shelter is provided by native vegetation which is ideal for calving or lambing with the fenced bush runs used for over wintering of some stock.

Waterhouse Homestead currently runs a high-quality Angus herd of approximately 425 Landfall bred cows, plus 130 followers and 30 steers. This stock level is sustained without fodder or additional supplementation. The cows with calves at foot will be available for sale at valuation.

This property has an excellent fertiliser and lime history, with the property and pastures in good heart.

The property is close to the seaside village of Bridport with Barnbougle Dunes and the Lost Farm golf links in between. It is approximately half an hour from Scottsdale and an hour and a quarter to the city of Launceston.

Waterhouse Homestead is fenced into 25 paddocks with areas of native forest also fenced off for winter use.

The original homestead requires renovating and there are 2 other dwellings. Improvements also include the historic shearing shed, stable/workshop complex, cattle yards and shearers quarters with 6 bedrooms, lounge room, kitchen and bathroom which is often used for holiday accommodation.