Approx. 556 ha (1373 acres) in eight freehold titles situated in the prime farmland and high rainfall area and located only 3.5km from the township of Winnaleah. Currently milking approximately 550 Friesian cows through a “top of the range” 60 unit Dairyking rotary (only 5 years old) featuring auto cup removers, feed system, weighing, scanning and teat spraying. 30,000 litre milk silo and 600 cow yard.
The property has been held in the Wagner family for almost 100 years and has built an enviable reputation for potato and vegetable production and then dairying over the last 50 years.
Approximately 182ha is irrigated via pivot, hard hose and lateral sprinklers with water from Winnaleah Irrigation Scheme and dams.
Improvements include four homes, machinery sheds, hay barns, calf shed, 350 cow feed pad and gravel pit.
Under current management, all replacement stock are run on the property and substantial amount of hay, silage and maize silage are made each year. The property extends from the broad alluvial river flats along the Boobyalla River, rising to red basalt soils ideal for potato and intensive vegetable production.