Imagine the money you will save with everything just a short stroll away, you may never need to take the car out again. Schools, shops, kindergarten, and childcare facilities can all be accessed on foot.
Pack a picnic lunch, pop the kids on their bikes, and wander to near by parks and reserves and watch the kids frolic in the sun. This low maintenance three bedroom home offers a spacious lounge, dining and family room surround by a central kitchen ensuring you are part of the families activities at all times. Creature comforts include gas heating and evaporative cooling. Covered outdoor entertaining area
with pressed paving overlooks a lovely garden setting and will be the focus of many enjoyable moments. Double garage with remote control and cubby house for your family needs. Whether you are buying this well planned home for family living or as a shrewd investment the benefits are obvious. Call now for an inspection.
BED: 3
WC: 2
CAR: 2