Opportunities to obtain such landmark freehold or leasehold in Kinglake do not come up very often. This property offers astute investors, owner/operators or business owners a unique opportunity to secure their future place in this growing community.
Kinglake has enormous appeal to local residents and tourists. It is the gateway to the Great Dividing Range. For the locals, it is a wonderful place to live while for the tourists it is a good stopping point as they explore the riches of the area.
Wombats have been meeting the needs of locals and tourists alike for some time and is now available for sale or lease.
The Caf has a delightful up-market feel to it. The large open fire place, polished concrete floor quality fittings and olde-world verandah all add to the appeal. A gourmet chefs kitchen is fully equipped with everything ready to go all it needs is a chef/operator or make this your own. Included in the property is the best wood fired pizza oven on the hills. The pizza prep area has been laid out to cater to passing trade, take-away or to meet the needs of the Caf/Restaurant patrons. There is a well-equipped cool room and storage for all the running requirements of the Caf/Restaurant.
To the rear of the Caf is a large area that has, in the past, been utilized in many ways. An astute businessman could develop it into an Art & Craft mecca for locals to display their talents or any other use that suits a large building in the centre of town. The structure has its own entrance and incorporates a beautiful garden and toilet block facilities. Upstairs, and with its own entrance are 3 large rooms that could also be developed by the new owner or leaseholder. With its own toilet facilities, they could easily be offered for lease as professional suites.
The entire property can be purchased as freehold or leased in total via a Commercial Head Lease or separately.
We invite you to contact us to register your interest in the property and to make any enquiries. We will be only too pleased to assist.
The vendors are genuine and would be willing to consider proposals from interested parties.
Please contact John Bevilacqua on 0402 425 490 for a discussion.