Situated within close proximity to Northland Shopping complex, High Street shopping precinct, Ruthven & Reservoir train stations, buses, schools, caf’s, restaurants, the area’s best parks and recreational facilities, JC Donath Reserve & Bundoora Golf. This home is situated in a prized location with potential for medium to high density development S.T.C.A. or ideal for the young first or second home buyer looking at a great buying opportunity in the heart of Reservoir.
Open plan living with hardwood flooring front lounge with gas fireplace, dining & ample kitchen overlooking an established rear garden large enough for a growing young family. Two bedrooms, with possible third which has been converted to a dining room. Recently upgraded bathroom, elevated and quality built charming home that has been in the family for nearly 50 years.
Features include, double tandem brick garage, large outdoor area, garden sheds, great location with unlimited development potential, for the new family home or the next attractive project for all astute townhouse or apartment developers situated in a prime location.

Due diligence checklist – for home and residential property buyers –