Asking Price: $880,000 + SAV

“Established, iconic business of over 30 years – easy to run
“Sales in excess of $2.2 million per annum
“Profit to Owner $340,000+ per annum
“Price includes top quality machinery, trucks, vehicles and plant and equipment
“Includes large data base of over 500 active clients including builders, joiners, construction companies, government bodies and architects and home renovators
“Sophisticated computer based systems/processes that facilitates design, planning, manufacturing and delivery of all services and products
“Business operates from a modern, efficient factory/showroom with flow through simple manufacturing processes
“This business operates with 3 full- time staff & 2 part-time staff excluding owner 5 days per week
“Stock value approximately $40,000 including extensive display showroom

For more information on this business, please contact Sue Lever on 0423 295 749.

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