9and11 Dunearn Rd Dandenong North Vic 3175 (90B2)

Each Building has:

Shops 140 sqm each (inc. half garage)
Offices 70 sqm each
Residence 203.4 sqm each (inc. half garage)

(Areas do not include common stairwells)

The facilities in the building

and#61692; Residence and Offices are fully Heated and Air Conditioned.
and#61692; Both buildings have Fire Control Panels and Alarm system Pre-wiring.
and#61692; Network cabling throughout.
and#61692; Telephone cabling and points throughout.
and#61692; Up to 10 different lines per building.
and#61692; Carpets and window furnishings throughout.
and#61692; Remote controlled garage fold-away doors.

Solid Concrete and Steel structure.

Depreciation : Approx $30-34,000 p.a. Stable and high rental return.