This well thought out dwelling designed by the Metropolitan Housing Laboratory is surely at the forefront of utilising the maximum available house space.

A significant aspect of this home’s appeal is the opaque front garage door that allows natural light to enter the double garage and enables a full conversion of the garage into a brilliant enclosed outdoor entertainment area. Additionally, the front master suite can serve as a bedroom, retreat, home office or living area, giving the occupier’s maximum opportunity to use the property.

Incorporating 3 bedrooms with built in robes, master bedroom with full en suite, spacious open plan living and dining areas, kitchen with appealing timber benchtop, stainless steel appliances and dishwasher, beautifully presented outdoor areas that are well connected to the main living areas and a seven star energy rating.

This home is impressive and practical for any person looking to purchase in Dandenong’s newest estate.

Contact: Neb Delibasic on 0411 332 467