RE/MAX is pleased to offer for sale this outstanding site & development opportunity.

Grouped together these (6) land parcels offer significant opportunity for major development, that may now (STA) allow builds of up to 12 levels

The Comprehensive Development Zone:

Precinct (F) forms part of Central Dandenong’s Activities’ Centre

Precinct (F) will primarily encourage redevelopment to residential purposes.

Complementary office and business uses will support the new housing. Retail shops may be allowed (STA) by consent of the Responsible Authority based on circumstances of
individual merit.

Medium to high rise buildings (including car parking) will be encouraged, particularly adjacent to Cheltenham Road to create a sense of place, and to integrate with the approved Dandenong Railway Precinct redevelopment.

In particular higher density living will be encouraged on land adjoining the Dandenong Transit Interchange.

The land use objectives of this precinct are:

* To encourage a range of housing types in the form of attached terraces and high density multi-dwelling development.
* To encourage residential development which offers acoustic protection from nearby industry, Cheltenham Road and Dandenong Railway Line.

Key attributes of the site include:

– Prime location & site of some 2095 sq. M (approx.)
– Two street frontages totaling some 55 M (approx.)
– Comprehensive Development Zone
– Railway Station nearby
– Major arterial passageway linkages not afar

Precinct (F) may also allow (STA) a Hotel, Convenience Restaurant or Tavern, or perhaps a combination of the above & aforementioned.

For Sale through exclusive agents, RE/MAX Property Specialists –

Please call: Vincent Golf – 0404 036 123 or Daniel Cheng – 0466 021 916 for further detail,

Inspection & documentation available by appointment only