Then, please ring and allow us to show you a property with a view that will take your breath away.
Built across the block (which is 45m wide and 47.7m deep approx.) is a four bedroom Brick Veneer Family Home with study, bathroom and laundry and double garage with auto doors. Across the back of the house to capture the views are a step-down Lounge and Formal dining area, kitchen/meals and Family room.
Sliding glass doors from both living areas provide access to a timber decked veranda area (running the full length of the house). This area is protected with marine quality drop down shade cloth screens and marine quality clear blinds to ensure enjoyment in most Seasons of the panorama. Light coloured slate flooring together with timbered overlaid floorings adds a quiet, tasteful ambience to the property. Ducted heating, evaporative cooling and two console (new) heating units contribute to the comforts available. Security shutters protect the living areas.
The garden areas have been established with a keen eye on low maintenance both in lay-out and plant selection. Several water tanks are provided to assist in maintaining shrubs. A shade cloth protected vegetable garden is located at the southern end of the home. An additional feature is a paved area for one to sit and relax and absorb the breath-taking views.
If you are the sort of person that seeks a view; seeks being relatively close to Nature and who loves to watch the sunset but does not have a lot of available time to do gardening and maintenance – then this is the property for you. These are opinions of this property by us – we would love to show you so that you too can appreciate them and see what we have been trying to capture in words. Please contact us for an inspection and you will then see the value this property is offering at $449,000, reduced.