100% Finance, No Deposit in Bacchus Marsh

You Chose the House

Total Repayments $390 per week

The enquiry code for this property is 1503
Please note this 4 digit code very carefully as it is required for all phone enquiries.

4 Bed, DLUG + 2 Bath the works

You can also choose to purchase a Granny Flat with the house if its within your serviceability,. We will lend the deposit on the $85,000 to purchase the Granny Flat.

Granny is 2 Bed, 1 Bath and Single Car.

Granny Flats are sometimes included in our house and land packages.

1. You can rent it out and claim it on tax and It will bring down the cost of your mortgage by around $250 per week.

2. You can let your Relatives stay there.

3. Great for a big family with older kids.

4. Granny Flats can only go on land above 600m2


1. We have specialised brokers who will do the loan for you.

2. You can purchase for both Investment and Own Home

3. No everyone will qualify; you must have clean record and be earning a reasonable income to be able to pay off your chosen property.

4. We are not the land sellers, we sell New Homes only.

5. You must buy land from the local Realty Agent or Developer whoever the land is being marketed by except in situations where the land is supplied by us in certain areas.

6. Yes we can do this with land you chose for Your-self as long as in the right area and it fits our criteria.

7. This is a 100% loan, but if you have FHOG and $5,000 new home benefits then you will need to use them to purchase.

8. The Deposit Loan will be given interest free over 15 years to the total of what you need to get the loan up to 20% and it is for both Investment and Own Home to Qualified Purchasers., and it is on both House and Land.

9. The Home Loan from the bank is 5.09% interest only for 3 years depending on your circumstances.