This exciting yet planned estate specifically provides affordable living with a quality address, all against a backdrop of rural scenery. There’s room to move without over stretching the budget!

State-of-the-art residence facilities, including caf, recreation centre and playground will create a village style community hub.

Abbey Road is a boutique development with a unique vibe thanks to its boulevard style streetscapes. There’s a sense of space and community and, within easy reach, existing and planned amenities to ensure relaxed hassle free living.

For more detail feel free to visit our website:

11.5 x 16 – $85,000
16.0 x 16 – $95,000
10.5 x 25 – $115,000
12.5 x 25 – $120,000
12.5 x 28 – $134,000
14.0 x 28 – $145,000