Situated just a few minutes north of the Elphinstone glide-off this enticing vacant parcel offers an excellent opportunity for a rural lifestyle without the price tag you’ll find in areas just 15 minutes’ drive closer to Melbourne.
Planning Permit PA 138/2014 for the use and development of a dwelling (current until 10 December 2016).
4.8 Ml water licence available for transfer into purchaser’s name at nominal cost.
Land size 4.025 Ha (9.945 acres).
Zoned FZ (Farming Zone).
Approximately 2km north of Castlemaine/Elphinstone glide-off (northbound Calder Freeway) turn left into Pollards Road, drive 200m and the property is in front of you 25m to the right (on the west side of Harmony Way).
If you don’t do it now you may never do it!