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Corner Pioneer Drive & Bundilla Court
Building Envelope

(a) That no more than one main building, pair or two units shall be constructed on the said lot

(b) That no main building, pair, units, fencing, garage, shed and/or other outbuildings shall be constructed in other than new materials including stone but excluding weatherboard, Hardiplank, asbestos and/or sheeting where that exceeds 15% of the outer wall area, mudbrick and/or galvanised and reflective materials

(c) That no main building shall be constructed on the said lot which has a floor area of less than 140 square metres within the outer walls thereof such area being calculated by excluding the area of any carport garage terrace pergola and/or verandah unless the said lot shall have a pair or units constructed on it when the floor area for ach part or each unit shall not be less than 100 square metres

(d) That no building shall be erected on the said lot other than within the building envelope site contained in the Building Envelope Plan approved by the City of Greater Bendigo with access to it not exceeding 4 metres at a location approved by the City of Greater Bendigo