189.94HA 470.31ACS IN 3 PORTIONS

As a whole or in 3 portions, Friday 20th July 2012 @ 2pm.
At the Laanecoorie Hall

SITUATION:-15kms Maldon, midway between Bendigo , Castlemaine and Maryborough.

Lot 1:- Crown Allotment 3 150.31 acres, fronting Murphys and Lakey Roads. Gently undulating country comprising red/grey clay base soils in good heart. Subdivided into 2 paddocks, fencing fair to good condition, 1 good natural catchment dam and Powercor power through land.

Lot 2:- Crown Allotment 4 160 acres, adjoining Lot 1, similar country to Lot 1, fronting Lakey Road. In 2 main paddocks, fencing fair to good, 1 good size natural catchment dam, scattered shade and shelter trees. A small portion of land along Lakeys Road (adjoining the main 2 paddocks) has been fenced off for revegetation and to combat soil erosion. Pastures on lots 1 and 2 comprise clovers, phalaris and native grasses.

Lot 3:- Crown Allotments 4A and 4B – 160 acres, across Lakey Road from Lot 2. Two main paddocks plus fenced water ways sown to phalaris clovers and native grasses. Soil types comprise heavier clay base to sloping grey country, 2 good dams (1 excellent fed from waterway)
An attractive versatile holding.

The properties are in good heart and suited to livestock breeding, some cropping and Lifestyle pursuits. Also well situated within easy access to Regional Cities and about
an hours drive from Melbourne. They have our strongest recommendation.


Alister Kemp 0407965641
Alan Weeks 0428510171

Ruralco Property
Cnr Rohs and Victa Rds

Ph:- 0354425211