This native forest block is 14km south of Wedderburn, and is ideal for camping/motorbikes and exploring. There are cleared areas and open forest with off road tracks. The land is undulating with small gullies and hills, yellow gum, white gum, grey box, stringy bark, black box, mature and attractive trees. Established motocross trails, catchment dam, a camping site, fire pit, and a good white gravel road to the block. Fencing is old netting and wire. Lots of wildlife and native flora. Good all weather road access. 3 acres of unused road reserve on edge.
Directions: Travel south of Wedderburn on the Rheola Road for 10km, veer right
from the bitumen into the Whela gravel road. Travel 2.5km and turn right into
Dip Lane with the signs. Travel west for 1.5km, the property is on the right
with signs on both boundaries. Come and inspect. No power or town water
available in the area. A total privacy block.