The 140 year history of my settlement, has peaked, troughed, waxed and waned through five generations of merino breeders. From the rocky crags of the nearby granite hills of Lurg – I flaunt- a display of vast high rising rolling grassy hills and valleys.

My first cottage was built in 1880, with an upper level addition in the 1930′s followed by architect designed additions in the 1980′s. It sits in a acre garden planted out with almonds, native palms, pear, fig and peppercorn trees.
Russet Freestone walls, blend and become kitchen and bathroom.
Those forebears who have come before have developed an infrastructure using wind and springs to bring power and water to many points of the property and the home called Maudes.

Flora and fauna: kangaroos, wombats, echidna’s and wedgetail eagles abound.
Valleys from which excellent cropping has in the past been exploited. Fine wool Merino’s have grazed my broad acres of well covered native grasses. Old bullockies carted the material to build the mighty Hume across tracks over my terrain.
It’s rumoured Ned spent time within.

I am contrdictory- sparse open paddocks, a covering of grasses native, treed and shrubbed shelter belts, wetlands and springs, high rising hills and magnificent views dipping to quiet hidden gullies. Windswept yet calm and soothing.