132.68Ha (327.84 Acres Approx) 6 Freehold titles Situated 3km North West of Lake Boga township and 14km from Swan Hill 200 meg Goulburn Murray Water Entitlement In excess of 130,000L of rain water storage Highly productive stone fruit operation producing nectarines, plums, peaches and apricots Gently undulating to level semi frost free country with red mallee loams and lighter sandy rises High calibre management and staff with various ongoing management options Well maintained mature trees in full production Solid farm infrastructure 100 acres suitable for future development Packing shed with insulated walls and ceilings Modern 100.36 and 34 pallet cool rooms Fully computerised fertigation and drip irrigation system Comfortable 4 bedroom brick home, 3 bedroom managers residence plus on farm accommodation for labour ‘Redlands Orchard’ features fertile soil, secure water, automated fertigation and irrigation systems, modern package and storage infrastructure. All secured by national supply contacts with major retailers. This stone fruit operation gives you the opportunity of a secure investment with the potential for further development and or diversification.