Araluen Downs is one of the most diversified rural enterprises in the region, not to mention one of largest land holdings in West Gippsland, all located within 90 minutes of Melbourne heading east. Established in 1981, the properties growth has seen total farm income figures increase significantly, and together with the quality of improvements, provide strong evidence of the properties productivity. The farm returns are spread across 3 key areas, those being the sand quarry, dairy agistment and horticulture. The property comes with a 320ML irrigation water license. The water is derived from approximately 25 dams including the main dam with a capacity of 180ML plus the ever reliable Shady Creek. There are 3 dwellings. The substantial managers residence, a 4 bedroom brick veneer. Second residence is a large federation style home and the third workers home is a period style fully renovated timber home. The shedding is extensive with a 46m x 34.5m grading /packing shed inclusive of a 46m x 14.5m cool store with 3 phase power, truck loading facilities and a separate office. Numerous other hay sheds and machinery sheds exist. The 1,700 acres in 8 titles, is divided into 58 main paddocks with all-weather wide tracks and water to all. The sand quarry is leased to Gippsland premium quarries and provides a reliable and consistent income stream. This property is of the highest of calibre and should be a serious consideration to high end rural investors.