Located just over the Victorian border, in between Edenhope, Penola, Casterton and Naracoorte and 110kms from the city of Mount Gambier, means it is frequented by locals and tourists alike. Being in attractive undulating country provides a ideal lifestyle for owners/operators as well as patrons.
Inside the well kept hotel is a quaint bar and bistro restaurant that seats 70 people that is split in two rooms for private functions or conference meetings.
Attached is a small store for the essentials, newspapers and snacks and a post office with a mailrun that provides healthy regular income. Owners have license for fuel, gas and arcade games which contribute to profits.
A beer garden is also attached to the hotel which houses a wood fired pizza oven which has attracted many people to the hotel especially on a Sunday afternoon for gourmet pizzas. Next to the beer garden a new playground was installed which has made the hotel popular with families.
These properties on 6 titles provide a lifestyle change in a relaxed beautiful setting. The hotel has occupied the same site for more than 100 years with a long running excellent reputation for providing good old fashioned country hospitality and reliable services.
Rebates to outside agents.