Nestled amongst the rolling hills in the small rural town of Merino this delightful weatherboard home has loads of character and plenty room.
The home comprises 2 large bedrooms, one with air conditioning, and a smaller 3rd or sleep-out, a formal lounge with an inbuilt wood heater and an air conditioner, an entrance hall/central passage, a dining room with air conditioner and combustion stove to adjacent scullery kitchen with electric upright cooker, a bathroom with vanity basin, disabled type shower recess with safety rails and a WC, and a rear sunroom/porch with a laundry.
The home has a full corner veranda with ramp access at the front, a covered ramp to the back door, external blinds, a rainwater tank, a lock-up garage, and a garden shed, all on a quarter acre corner allotment 1 block from the main street.