‘Mayfield Park’ consisting of 1271 acres or 514 hectares (2 titles) of excellent cropping and grazing country located in one of South West Victoria’s most tightly held area’s and within an hour drive to Warrnambool, Hamilton, Ararat and Ballarat.

Features Include: 3 stand wool shed, Hay shed, Silo’s, sheep and cattle yards, raised barn and machinery shed. The fencing is described as excellent all being replaced within the last 10 years and fenced into 18 main paddocks with 2 road frontages. The property offers gentle undulation to Hopkins River flats and has had excellent cropping and fertilizer history, dams in every paddock and laneway system for ease of stock movement.
This property has been held by the current family for nearly 45 years and this will be the second time offered for sale since settlement.

Auction to be held at Narrapumelap Homestead at 2.00pm on Friday 26th February 2021. Terms 10% deposit and possession in 60 days.