….there was a little blue house perched on top of a hill overlooking pristine Otway rainforest. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 living areas, and a separate studio where the eagles soar past at eye level. The storybook cottage was nestled on 100 acres of beautiful rolling hills and rainforest. With its 5 fenced paddocks, orchard and veggie gardens, the owners happily hobby-farmed and prospered.
As the property sat adjacent to National Park, they were free to bushwalk and explore to their hearts desire. And come Summer they swam and fished in the fern lined pools of the Upper Barham River. The complete peace and tranquility inspired them, and reminded them of the important things in life.
If you want the fairy tale life, this singular property provides the opportunity! (Have a look at mygreatoceanroad.com for further photos and info.)