The property 20 kms north of Camperdown on East Hill Road has been owned and used by a large scale dairy farmer for many years.
The improvements include a 3 bedroom brick veneer home with a single garage and four separate 20 * 30 storage sheds and a 60 *30 hay shed on a separate title of 10 acres.The home is rented for $ 120 per week
There are two more titles with stockyards (100 yearlings holding capacity)and a
60 * 30 hay shed with one side filled in.
The property has two dams and one bore to supply water to all 11 paddocks through 1000 gal troughs.
All internal fences have 4 wires and all fences have electric current with independent stays
There are many new native plantations giving shade and shelter all year.
The property is mostly flat of clay loam soil type with olsen p levels of 12 – 16
with a fertilizer history of 150 kg 3:1 in autumn and 200 kg of pasture booster in spring.
The property carriers 100 yearlings for the 12 mts and winters 400 dairy dry cows between march / july with some 1000 5 * 4 hay bales cut every year and 500 brought home to main dairy.