96 acres of prime cattle and fat lamb country. Absolute Darlots Creek frontage along the entire length of the property with bitumen highway along the other. Located in the high rainfall area of the Western District only a short drive from Heywood and the city of Portland, this is an opportunity for either a tree change or drought proofing your existing farming enterprise.

In recent years it has been an out paddock to support a dairy farm and fatten cattle and it has an excellent super history.

Historical note: Originally part of the extensive Learmonth family holdings on the property you will find remnants of our pioneering past still evident in the family cemetery and parts of the original homestead, gardens and orchard near the creek at one end of the property. The Darlots Creek with its fresh water, eels and fish still rushes past the tranquil homestead site with its massive fruit and shade trees planted by our district pioneer families oblivious to a changing world in the last 100 years.

Whatever your motivation this is a unique opportunity to pick up a beautiful piece of grazing country with its own creek frontage in the high rainfall western district.