* IRRIGATIONLarge Scale Feed Lot Dairy -Timboon Sth West Victoria 165.44 hectares/409 acres in two titles (Plus 3 leasehold properties of 434 Acres or thereabouts) Agents Comments: “Its all about the opportunity! – Irrigation, reliable rainfall, quality soils,amazing infrastructure. Rarely does a dairy farm present to the market place with such superior structural assets, which include a new home that any family would be proud to occupy, a free-stall barn with 1000 cow capacity, a 50 unit rotary dairy and state of the art automated calf rearing complex; all of which is situated in a highly regarded, reliable rainfall dairying area, complimented by the security of pivot irrigation.”THE FREE STALL BARN CONCEPT: The free-stall barn was constructed in 2002 following intensive research and site inspections in Europe & America of similar successful ventures. In simple terms the “cut and carry” feedlot dairy system is developed to enhance the level of pasture utilisation, increased production and to enable the herd size to be increased. Pasture utilisation under a traditional grazing system is currently maximised at 60%-70% of the total pasture growth. Pasture wastage occurs because the herd requires area on which to walk, laze and excrete. This is consistent with all pasture grazing systems including irrigated & non-irrigated pastures. The objective is to increase pasture utilisation to more than 90%. The innovative concept is to house the herd permanently in a free-stall shed to avoid pasture loss from housing the herd on pastures. This allows free pasture growth. Pasture will then be mechanically harvested and carried to the cows in the feedlot. This “green chop, cut and carry” system employs management systems from Europe and the United States and is revolutionary to Australia. The green chop farm system reduced yield losses to 3%-6% of total yield. This is a large reduction of wastage in comparison to the traditional intensive grazing system.

* Built-in Robes