Be the envy of your friends and family with panoramic views of the best Warrnambool has to offer. If you were any closer to the beach you would be wet! As you open the door to your permanent holiday home you are greeted with a north facing kitchen, dining area, adjacent laundry and toilet. Adjoining this is the south facing living room and large outdoor entertaining area looking over native shrub land. The middle level provides you with 2 bedrooms, both with BIR, a private timber balcony and the main bathroom consisting of spa, shower and vanity. Another floor up and the impact of this wonderful property really hits you. The top level consists of large master bedroom with Merri River glistening away out the window, flowing into an open plan style living area and private deck with the most amazing coastal views. Stretching from Childers Cove to the East all the way through the Lady Bay, Breakwater and finally Penguin and Middle Islands to the South West.
Whether you consider the intriguing returns as a full time holiday rental, the flexibility of leasing it out just over summer period or if you are looking to relocate yourself to the beach for a magical lifestyle, you need to look at this property. Call for further information or to make an inspection now.
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