Proposed Crossman Tourist Village (Name registered)
Located at Lot 1, corner Albany Hway and Crossman Rd Crossman. 12.6km from the rural farming town of Boddington, home of Newmont’s Boddington Gold Mine and approx. 130km from Perth WA.
andbull; Land area 1.21ha (2.98 ac)
andbull; Scheme water
andbull; Septic system installed
andbull; 3 Phase power available
andbull; Previous conditional planning approval for the Crossman Tourist Village to include Roadhouse, Licenced Restaurant/Function Centre and Beer Garden, single house, caretaker dwelling, office, shed, staff amenities, children’s play area and 6 farm stay accommodation cabins (plans and documentation available)
andbull; Potential for additional 19 farm stay accommodation cabins in stage 2 of development
andbull; Licence for storage of Petrol, Diesel and LP Gas
andbull; Application for Liquor Licence (Tavern Application)
andbull; Approval for use of driveway by RAV Category 7 Vehicles

Vendor Finance Terms Available*
$100,000 Deposit
Interest Only 3% Fixed For 3 years
Lump Sum Repayments in Multiples of $5000
off principal can be made without penalty
*Conditions Apply

Property Syndicate enquiries welcome.

Phone Anthony 0418 911 387