Undulating easy workable light/medium soils for grain and livestock enterprises. Well set up for sheep production. Good water supplies from 16 dams and 3 soaks. Divided into 38 paddocks with good ringlock fencing . 2 homesteads. 4 stand raised board shearing shed, 2 sets steel bugle sheepyards, S.F. 120ft x 30ft machinery shed, 110 tonne super shed , 60ft x 30ft workshop shed, 7 silos (8000bush capacity) 2 tagasaste plantations comprising 130ha. If required property could be split into 2 parcels “Springvale” 1181.34ha (2918acres) $1,200,000 Negotiable”Springvale Too” 1135.91ha (2806acres) $1,000,000 NegotiableEither for immediate possession or March 2012