Starting from $399K for a 2 bed 2 bath, 1 secured car space and lock up storage
Ellenbrook is only 18km , 30min drive to Perth CBD and 15 min drive to the Airport.
Low strata fees from approx. $980 per year ONLY!
Similar property currently rented $400 p/w, expected rent in 2015 $450 p/w.
Quality builder with 40 years experience and many past projects.
Generous floor plans and designs with top inclusions.
Ellenbrook population in 2011 was 27,121 and Predicted in 2016 to increase to 37,182 an increase of 10,000 in the next 3 years!
Masters Home improvement due to open in Sep this year.

All you need to secure this NRAS or non NRAS opportunity is a $1000 holding deposit!

Once contracts are issued and project commences then you need 10% deposit e.g. $39,900 and nothing more to pay till completion in 2015. Your 10% deposit will be earning you interest of about 3% for the 2 years.