This “home sweet home” has 4 bedrooms (walk-in robe: bed 1, the other bedrooms each have a neat built-in one). Cool air-cond throughout, high ceiling plus broad windows in the family-meals are among this property’s variety of interesting attributes.
For those with “younguns” and/or pets, the completely fenced backyard would be beneficial. Labour-saving are the reticulated gardens and brick-paved grounds.
The practical-sized patio butts-up to a fernery and lawn which create a serene green outlook. For leisuretime, there’s the front verandah for enjoying a “cuppa”, cubby house and Dad’s powered work-shed.
On special occasions, there are 7 day cinemas and up-market restaurants within easy reach. Various major shops, take-away food outlets, transport, schools, sports and medical centres are also in the vicinity.
The location not only provides privacy, a choice of parkland reserves, peace’n'quiet but also convenience, too!
For inspections or answers to your questions, find the time today to ring Val 0421 522 206.