" Here with a Loaf of Bread beneath the Bough, A Flask Of Wine, a book of verse—and thou beside me singing in the wilderness— and wilderness is paradise enow"
This charming Vineyard and Restaurant is set on 10 acres in the Perth Hills only 30 Minutes from the city, offers the opportunity to enjoy a quiet alternative life style whilst earning your own income. Improvements include a comfortable 3×2 Brick and Iron home, restaurant and fully equipped winery, 6 acres of vines includes Chardonnay, Verdelho, Semillon, Shiraz,Pinot Noir, Merlot, and Cabernet Savignon. Fully Fenced with own Bore.
" And if the Wine you Drink, the Lip you Press, End in the nothing all things end in—Yes— Then Fancy while thou art but what thou shalt be — Nothing— Thou shalt not be less.