Located within Westwood and within walking distance of the primary school, medical centre, hospital and sporting facilities this block of a little over 1/2 acre in size is fenced on 2 sides.
It has northerly aspects, with generally gravel over ironstone soils, gently sloping topography and power, telephone and water service connection points at its street frontage. A building envelope with a 12 metre setback from front boundary and 3 metre setbacks from other boundaries is applicable and as there is no sewerage service available to this and other properties in the area a septic system will need to be installed when building a home. A restrictive covenant requiring homes to be built of brick, brick veneer, stone or rammed earth walls and it must include a carport or garage under the main roof area of the home is also applicable. This covenant has the expressed intention of insuring that homes of a good standard are built in Westwood Estate, for the benefit of all property owners within the estate.