Bornholm/Kronkup/Torbay Buyers!!
This excellent farming property is located about half way between Albany and Denmark and between the South Coast Highway and the Lower Denmark scenic route. It is in close proximity to the local beaches at Muttonbird, Perkins, Cosy Corner, Shelley, Bornholm and Lowlands.
The undulating and elevated 39 plus hectare property has rural views to the Bornholm and Torbay Hills, the Mt Barker Hill and the Porongurups, and even the Albany Lighthouse which can be seen flashing at night. The views can all be captured from an elevated, yet wind-protected house site with power a short distance from the property boundary.
Trees on the property include Karri, Jarrah, Redgum, Yate and Tuart, with several areas of remnant vegetation already fenced off and seedlings planted.
Heavy loams over clay feature on most of the property and the undulating topography gives a nice balance of elevated land and summer flats, the latter perfect for late grazing and/or hay production.
The pasture has been supplemented with Sou-West pasture mix in recent years and is a great blend of rye and clovers, with substantial areas of kikuyu on the property for green pick in drier months, although with an average annual rainfall of around 1000mm there are rarely too many dry months here.
Water is supplied by two dams, both well-positioned to capture run-off, one dam recently substantially expanded to around 3 Megalitre capacity.
A pump on the larger dam pumps water to an 88,000 litre Pioneer poly-lined water tank, and concrete and/or poly troughs in most paddocks are gravity-fed from this tank. The tank could be used as supply for a new home, by replacing it with a smaller tank for stock water purposes.
The property is well set up for rotation grazing, paddocks and the yards serviced by a central laneway system.
New internal fencing for the paddocks and laneway features galvanized posts and 7-wire electric fences (4 hot) with treated pine strainers. Individual ratchets on most wires make tension adjustments a breeze. A battery-powered energizer provides power to the fences. An area adjacent to the east boundary has been fenced off as a tree belt, which has already been planted with seedlings. Part of the South boundary has been similarly fenced ready for trees.
The excellent yards are centrally located on the property, and can be accessed by small and large trucks alike. The yards feature Ag-Quip combination panels suited to sheep and/or cattle; there is a head bail with vet access and a steel loading ramp. The yards have large capacity and have a central pivoted forcing gate enabling safer handling of stock.
There is an old shed of approximated 36 square metres, a 40 foot sea container for storage and even a 1000 litre diesel tank.
Several fruit trees have been planted and a cottage garden established near the house site, the vegetable patch is even fenced off ready for you.
The farm is priced at $745,000 and represents excellent value, your inspection will not disappoint. Contact Kim Crofts 0428 936 913. F2C