This is a very pretty farm with ample water to just about anything you choose. Mostly cleared with some lovely stands of trees over it. The curent owners are grazing sheep over it. The farm features a 4 x 1 hardi plank
and iron home, shearing shed, hay shed, machinery shed, large dam, several small dams and a rammed earth lodge & convention room, currently housing backpackers. The hostel ( lodge) is registerd to house 32 people. It is full most of the year round.
The 8 bedroom lodge is built from rammed earth with a convention room overlooking the water. Sitting alongside the lodge is a large his and hers ablution area, laundry, store room, kitchen & living area also built from rammed earth. This a very profitable business and is being sold on a walk in walk out basis. Inspection is by appointment only Call Chris Cain on 0418922011 or a/h 97318204