The owner of this fabulous waterfall block is fed up of seeing it on the market and has slashed the price by an incredible $100,000 to make it sell. This 102acres of rural high country with both north and south facing slopes offers some of the best views from Nannup’s high country literally forest views to the horizon. Zircon creek runs through the block and there is a well known waterfall that forms part of it.
Approximately 62acres is under bluegums the last annual income was $7,500 this contract has another 15 years. There is a good stand of natural jarrah and marri in both the top corner (with south facing slopes and incredible views) and the opposite corner (with north facing views). Both the jarrah and marri and the rest of the unencumbered acerage which is mainly stands of regrowth pine is yours to do what you want to with it.
This block forms part of what is known as the Mount Folly area.